'I don't always have to be cheerful, that takes some of the pressure off.' - Karlijn Visser from Holistik.nl
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In our busy and often hectic world, consciously seeking ways to relax is essential to stay well-balanced. The question is: how do you do that? We asked Karlijn Visser (35), co-founder of Holistik.nl - a daily guide to the greater you, a Dutch online lifestyle platform that helps you with living a conscious and meaningful life.
By understanding your inner world and changing your inner attitude towards the outside world, you stand stronger.
“I might just be in the most stable phase of my life right now, and I can move with the waves more and more easily. It is pleasant to notice that as the years go by, a certain peace and confidence has entered my life.”
“I started Holistik in 2016 together with my best friend Evelyn van Hasselt. We felt the need for an online place where a light of insight and support shines at certain meaningful moments in your life.
We now reach about 600,000 readers per month. Numbers to make you slightly nervous… Still, I am very happy that more and more people find us in their search for nutrition in the broadest sense of the word. Nourishment helps you in creating a fulfilling life. Sustainable happiness, attention to the planet, your health, and connection with yourself - even in difficult times - play an important role in accomplishing this.”
Sharing my feelings with a dear friend is always a good remedy.
“The periods in which I am not feeling good about myself seem to be getting shorter and shorter. Perhaps this is also because I allow myself not to always have to be cheerful. That takes the pressure off wonderfully.
The last time I felt a little bit down was when I recently went on a trip to Ibiza. I felt sad. A place we had just visited reminded me of an earlier holiday week on the island, in which I often felt alone.”
“I notice the subtle shifts in my mood almost immediately. Also in this case. It feels like a kind of build-up until it needs to be released. It starts with me feeling a little gloomier; I then feel less in the mood to chat with others and sink into my thought bubble. The pressure in my throat increases and at some point I feel tears welling up.”
I firmly believe that moving your body is beneficial for a positive mood.
“Once I shared my grief with Evelyn, I felt actually back to normal within ten minutes. Sharing my feelings with a dear friend is always a good remedy.
Another thing I like to do to give my mood a positive swing is to move my body. Preferably dancing. I then hear this little voice inside my head that says 'move the energy!', haha. Or I book a high-intensity workout class, where I know that there will also be men who drag me through the class with silly jokes. I firmly believe that moving your body is beneficial for a positive mood.”
“Self-care to me means daring to act according to my intuition. In most cases, that means saying ‘no’ more often. It prevents awkward situations in which I maneuvered myself to keep the peace but ended up running out of steam.
Funnily enough, for me self-care has no relationship with crystals, incense, or wanting to end up in a higher dimension. The older I get, the fewer bells and whistles I need to set certain expectations. I find life fascinating enough in its simplicity. I am also glad that the desire to reinvent myself over and over again and to know what 'my mission' is here on earth has abated.”
Empathy helps to see that we all struggle and are all trying to make the best of it.
“That's a big question. I think I'm opting for empathy at the moment. The world is not always beautiful and sometimes almost unbearably cruel. By better understanding your own inner world and changing your inner attitude towards the outside world, you stand stronger in life.
From that place, it is easier to empathize with others and to know that we all struggle and all try to make the best of it. Sometimes something is worded somewhat clumsily, but the intention is still pure. Empathy helps you to grow this understanding. It also ensures that less negative energy is rubbing off on you because you don't always link the actions of others with yourself."
Want to know more about Karlijn and her mission? Visit Holistik.nl - a daily guide to the greater you, and follow Karlijn via Instagram: @karlijn_visser .
Photos: Stance Photography
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