"It's about finding the right balance between work and relaxation" - Ann-Sophie Van Camp
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Happy breathing!
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In our busy and often hectic world, consciously seeking ways to relax is essential to stay well-balanced. The question is: how do you do that? Ann-Sophie Van Camp, moonbird’s business development manager shares her tips and insights.
“Conscious and calm breathing helps me to come back to myself in stressful moments.”
“I'm a business development manager at moonbird. That means that I am involved in setting up strategic partnerships with resellers, wellbeing trajectories at companies, collaborations with influencers, and building relations with journalists to introduce moonbird to as many people as possible worldwide.”
“My range of tasks is very varied so that no day is the same and I am constantly challenged to develop new skills. Our mission to improve the mental health of people worldwide is very rewarding, each and every day.
In addition, we are a very close-knit team in which everyone plays an essential role. We have a ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality, which means that in addition to getting things done, we also focus on the necessary relaxation. Fun activities are regularly planned, but actually, at moonbird it’s a party every day!”
“I am a real go-getter, who is always on. I have a lot of energy and like a busy schedule, but sometimes I go into overdrive. Then I feel it's time to slow down, and I schedule the necessary me-time to recharge my batteries.”
“For me, relaxing means walking in nature, going out for a nice meal with friends, and/or cuddling with Maurice, my cat. In addition, traveling is the perfect way for me to really relax. The new environment and impressions you gain elsewhere give me fresh energy and stimulate my creativity.”
“My self-care moment mainly takes place in the morning. I enjoy a warm shower, followed by a nice breakfast and a good cup of coffee. With a piece of dark chocolate!
Both in the morning and in the evening I take time to write something down in my '6-minute diary'. I strongly believe in the proven principles of positive psychology to live your life more consciously and positively. By reflecting on the small things every day, you focus on progress and the good things in life.”
“Moonbird has made me really aware of the power of breathing. Breathing consciously and calmly helps me to come back to myself during stressful moments. The most beautiful realization is that you always have your breath with you.”
“I mainly use my moonbird during the day to consciously focus on my breathing for a few minutes. This way I can relax in between all the hustle and bustle. The tactile aspect and the guided sessions in the app help me to zoom out completely. After even a short session, I feel reset and ready to hit it again.
It's pleasant that moonbird feels so soft and is a compact tool, so you can take it anywhere. It's also an excellent conversation starter. For example, my suitcase with moonbird in it was once held aside at customs at the airport, whereupon the controller said that ‘it looked like I had a véry nice trip coming up!’"
"Enthusiasm moves the world."
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