How do you find enough relaxation when working in a start-up job? Moonbird’s Wout van Bavel shares his tips
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In our busy and often hectic world, consciously seeking relaxation is essential for staying healthy and in balance. The question is: how do you do that? This is how Wout van Bavel, moonbird’s customer success manager makes sure he gets sufficient relaxation in his life.
By concentrating on your breathing, you forget what’s going on in your mind for a moment.
"I find it especially interesting to work in a cool start-up environment where you experience yourself growing along with the company. That is a really unique feeling and there is a lot to learn!
I started at moonbird as an intern, but after my internship, I was more than happy to stay. We work with a young and enthusiastic team on an interesting product. I did not have much connection with breathing and meditation beforehand, but this has changed through all the positive experiences at moonbird."
"It is not always easy to focus on a subject, as sometimes I want to do too much at once. I can get a headache or have trouble concentrating if it becomes too much for me.
If I can - because it can take up to two hours - I like to go for a walk in nature with my dog. Sitting outside and eating a piece of fruit, for example, also helps me relax. Also, I like to take a bath every evening - if I have the time. For me, that's a moment where I can truly relax and everyone leaves me alone for a while.”
"That's right, before I started working at moonbird, I literally had no affinity with or knowledge about conscious breathing. I had no idea what it can do for you, how you can control it and how you can use it to your advantage.
By experiencing and learning more about breathing, I now know what the effects are and how useful it can be to you. At various times conscious breathing has already helped me to relax."
"At times when I experience an information overload, or when there are (too) many tasks that I still have to carry out, I know that it is sometimes more useful to take a breath with moonbird than to simply carry out the tasks. I believe it’s better to work 30 minutes super-productively, than 60 minutes at 50%.
Thanks to moonbird, it becomes very easy to unwind. By concentrating on your breathing you forget what is going on in your mind for a moment."
“‘Patience is a key element of success'. I am convinced that success does not come overnight, but requires hard work and patience. Whether it is investing, building a professional career, developing a hobby or skill, or any project for yourself: success will not happen instantly. It is a process that takes time, so you need to be patient to achieve success. Rome wasn't built in a day either.”
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